“Baking Bad” (working title) is a short film written by KT Perleberg and directed by me. This was my first time working with an entire (albeit small) crew. It was grueling and exhausting, but it never felt like work because I was having too much fun. I could not have possibly asked for a better crew. Each was extremely talented in their chosen role and I think that will be reflected in the quality of the final cut.
I could say a million nice things about my cast. As a first-time director, they made my job almost too easy. Every one of them seemed to get what I was saying right away and gave me exactly what I was looking for, usually on the very first take. I felt honoured to have such incredible people bringing these characters to life.
To see the full set of behind the scenes images, check out my Flickr account!
Stay tuned in December when I’ll have information on how you can see the final cut of the film!
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